neutron cross section in a sentence

"neutron cross section" in Chinese  
  1. The neutron cross section is defined for a given type of target particle.
  2. As the neutron energy increases, the neutron cross section of most isotopes decreases.
  3. The cyclotron would be used for measurements of the neutron cross section of plutonium.
  4. It is also dependent on the nuclei it strikes and its neutron cross section.
  5. And he designed the reactor oscillator, a machine used to measure neutron cross sections.
  6. It's difficult to find neutron cross section in a sentence.
  7. The larger neutron cross section, the more likely a neutron will react with the nucleus.
  8. Enrico Fermi's purported comment when he observed the neutron cross section for boron, " My God!
  9. The lanthanides have large neutron cross sections and hence they would poison a neutron driven nuclear reaction.
  10. Another, "'Sombrero "', uses a reaction chamber built of Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer which has a very low neutron cross section.
  11. The 10 B isotope is useful for capturing thermal neutrons ( see neutron cross section # Typical cross sections ).
  12. It has significant thermal neutron cross section for fission, but is more likely to capture a neutron and become Pu-239.
  13. Pu-241 has a half-life of 14 years, and has slightly higher thermal neutron cross sections than Pu-239 for both fission and absorption.
  14. An isotope ( or nuclide ) can be classified according to its neutron cross section and how it reacts to an incident neutron.
  15. The article cross-section only gives info about light absorption cross-sections and neutron cross sections . talk ) 12 : 12, 14 November 2012 ( UTC)
  16. The neutron cross section of graphite was also investigated during the second world war in Germany by Walter Bothe, P . Jensen, and Werner Heisenberg.
  17. More:   1  2


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